Tips for Driving Safely in the Dark

Tips for Driving Safely in the Dark

The safety precautions you need to take when driving at night

As the days grow shorter and the nights become longer, driving in the dark becomes an inevitable part of our daily routines. Whether it’s commuting from work, running errands, or embarking on an early morning or late afternoon road trip, many of us find ourselves navigating the roads in the dark. 

However, this change in daylight hours presents additional risks and potential hazards that every driver should be aware of. This article explores the dangers of driving in the dark and provides essential tips for staying safe on the roads at night. 

What are the risks of driving in the dark? 

Driving in the dark comes with its own set of risks and challenges as opposed to driving in the daylight, as we discuss below: 

  • Reduced visibility: The most obvious challenge is reduced visibility. When it’s dark it's harder to see pedestrians, cyclists, road signs and other vehicles, especially in poorly lit areas. 

  • Glare and headlights: As we’ve all experienced, oncoming headlights can be blinding, making it difficult to maintain focus on the road ahead. The glare from the headlights can temporarily impair your vision making you vulnerable to mistakes. 

  • Increased tiredness: Driving in the dark often induces fatigue more quickly due to the body’s natural response to light; no light usually indicates to our body it's time to sleep. Drowsiness can then lead to reduced reaction times and poor decision-making.

Tips for driving safely in the dark

1. Slow down

As we’ve already explained, reduced visibility from driving in the dark makes it harder to see oncoming obstacles, such as pedestrians and other vehicles. By slowing down you’re giving yourself more time to react to hazards you may not see right away. 

2. Make sure your lights are switched on

A mistake which we see far too often is many drivers forgetting to put their headlights on. Ensuring they are switched on not only allows you to see the road ahead but also enables other drivers to see you.

3. Stay alert! 

We’ve discussed why you might start to feel tired driving in the dark, but it's important to do something about it! Ensure you are well-rested before heading out on your journey, and take breaks if needed. 

4. Keep your windows and mirrors clean 

At night, dirty windows and mirrors can scatter light and create glare, impairing your visibility. Keep them clean both inside and out for better clarity. Don’t forget, this includes any rain droplets or frost that finds itself left behind on the windshield. 

5. Check your headlights

It’s important to regularly check and maintain your vehicle's headlights to ensure they are in proper working condition. Dim or misaligned headlights can put your and others' safety at risk. 

6. Use your lights correctly

High beams can help to significantly improve your visibility on unlit roads. But remember to switch them to low beams when approaching or following other vehicles to avoid blinding them! 

7. Don’t stare at oncoming headlights

Talking about reduced visibility, take one long look at the oncoming traffic headlights and you’re on course for temporarily blinding yourself. To avoid this, try to focus on the edge of the road — this will help you maintain your line of sight and reduce glare. 

If you find yourself being blinded by the headlights in your rearview mirror, flick on night mode. This feature reduces the glare experienced from the mirrors and helps you to maintain good visibility.

8. Reduce distractions 

All those usual distractions that cause you to take your eyes off the road during the day — such as using your phone, adjusting the music, or eating while driving — still have the same effect at night. Except, in the dark, there’s a much higher chance of missing those approaching hazards, so keep your eyes on the road! 

All used cars at Carlingo are ready for safe driving in the dark

All used cars at Carlingo come with a service history, at least 6 months MOT, and include a free 90-day warranty plus 12 months of RAC breakdown cover. This means all the lights and other safety features on your chosen used car will be in optimal condition for driving safely in the dark. 

Any issues that may arise are covered as well. So you can feel confident driving home in your Carlingo used car, knowing it's equipped and ready for the darker days and nights ahead.